Monday, July 2, 2007

July 2

LOTS going on today!

First, we got a draft of our homestudy as it is thus far. It's looking good!!!!! Looks like we'll be approved for TWO KIDS - yahoo!!!!!!!!! Now, we'll just have to cross EVERYTHING and hope that two kids will be ready for us to bring home.

Secondly, the foreign placement agency got our application fee and letter and is already sending us paperwork to fill out! I think her goal of having our dossier complete at the same time as our homestudy is actually going to happen. How frickin cool is that? Let's just hope that things continue to move smoothly and nicely. I'm so ready to be a mommy to two more awesome kiddos!


Unknown said...

Wow, this is moving so fast. How very exciting for you all.

What ages are you expecting the children to be? I can't remember if you posted this before or not.

Concretekz said...

Congrats Melissa! That is such amazing news. 2 siblings for your little man.

jenny said...

How amazing. Two children, are you looking for siblings?

I am so excited for you and Neer. And Eyal too.