Saturday, July 21, 2007

July 21

So, we picked up the finalized copy of our homestudy yesterday. It was less than one month from the day we met with the agency until it was done. They were phenomenal through all of it. If you live in MA, I have to tell you how much I just LOVE A Red Thread Adoptions. If you ever need them, go check them out. They are helpful, warm, caring, and really just seem to love what they're doing. I can't say enough about them. When we picked up our homestudy, they also had a little card about hte name, and red thread bracelets for FIVE - one for each of us, and one for eachof the two children we are trying to adopt. How cool is that?

Anyway, today, we have to get a few forms notarized (let's hope the notary is on at our mall bank branch) and then on Monday, we'll send out the last of our forms to our Russian agency for our dossier. After that, we just have to wait for our FBI check to come back and MY CORI. DH got his back yesterday and we sent it the same day - grrrrr.

Wish us luck on Monday at our INS appt. I'm still trying to figure out what to do with the 2 year old. Do I bring him or see if I can find someone I can beg to watch him? It's so hard when everyone lives in tehopposite direction of where I need to be! Ugh, what a dilemma....

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