Wednesday, December 12, 2007

December 12

HOLY FREAKING CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We got THE CALL today. I'm in shock and I'm completely freaking out. It's not exactly what we had expected, so we're trying to process it all now... We have our bio DS who will be 3 in Jan. The call is for TWO BOYS!!!!! One just turned two in July and the other turned one in September. We had requested a boy and a girl, so we're a little terrifed about the thought of three boys three and under, but we're going to look at the pictues and medical info because we really believe we're being led on this journey toward the children we're meant to have and that could possibly be a lot of boys! Oh man. I'm in a total panic. I think I'm just in total shock! THREE BOYS!!!!! Oy!


Deb said...

WOW WOW WOW!!! That would be a handful.

Congratz on the call! Just when you were trying to settle into a wait of a few months.

Hope everything with the medicals looks good.

Shane & Marie said...

Wow, congrats. You will have you your hand full, but I am sure it will be lots of fun. Hope everything works out.

Heather said...

CONGRATULATIONS MELISSA!!!! How very, very exciting!!!

Esther said...

I had three boys in three years, then ended up infertile (emergency hysterectomy with third delivery). Those years were quite interesting, to say the least ;o)

This year we adopted two girls, bio siblings. If you would like an invite to my blog, email me at

Or you can check out our adoption journey to the girls over at

Adopting a sibling group is really amazing. Congratulations and Hugs, Esther

Amy said...

Congratulations!!!! I just found your blog and read your exciting news. Hope everything looks good with the medical stuff. 3! and all under 3...double wow. Can't wait to see how things progress.

Dana and Scott said...

What wonderful news! CONGRATS!

Suz said...

Oh wow, that would be a shocker. I will keep you in my prayers as you make the decision!

Chris Goeppner said...

Congrats Guys!
My husband and I had that call not too long ago. We were very surprised to get a referral for 2 boys when we requested a boy and a girl. It was a total God thing though because we could not be more blessed. Our boys are perfect and precious and beautiful and we cannot wait to bring them home.
Many Blessings and safe travels!

junglemama said...

Too cool! Excited to hear what you choose. Three boys are load of fun. I have three that are grouped together aged 4,5, and just 8. They are like the 3 muskateeers!