Wednesday, August 15, 2007

August 15

My employment letter went out today - YIPPEE! I will admit, there was a considerable amount of bitching to get it done (admittedly, I was in a bit of a foul mood when I made the phone call ;) )

Anyway, that's it! Our homestudy agency had to send one last form, which they've also done today, so by the weekend, our dossier should be TOTALLY done. that is one big, HUGE relief! It's also been very fast. We had our intake visit with the homestudy agency and were assigned a social worker on June 19. It's now August 15 and our dossier is done and our homestudy has been completed for a month. It's pretty amazing, and just further proof to us that when you follow G-d's plan rather than your own, things fall into place pretty darned nicely. Anyway, I hope the documents travel quickly so we can have it all together and in one place soon. I'm so excited to move on to the "officially waiting" phase!

1 comment:

Deb said...

Congratz!! That was very fast. I'm impressed.