Wednesday, October 3, 2007

October 3

Well, I guess I am actually having a little more anxiety about all of this than I realized.

Last night, I had a dream that somehow I ended up going to Russia to submit the docs rather than DH. I went to the MOE in one of the regions and met the facilitator and then headed inside to meet the director. So, I go to meet him, I have the facilitator (which amazingly I somehow remembered what her name is in my dream, no idea how I got that bit of info into my subconscious!) and my agency director with me and I'm sitting at his desk andhe looks EXACTLY like Timothy Dalton, to be more specific, he looks like Timothy Dalton as Simon Skinner in the movie Hot Fuzz (which I have, admittedly, seen too many times!) and for some reason I start slicing up a hunk of pineapple on his desk. Then, he produces plastic toothpicks and we all eat a few pieces. Then, I hand him his gift, which, oddly, is a bag of licorice bites. Then we start talking and he has a British accent. Anyway, after a few minutes, he asks the agency director and facilitator to leave so he can talk to me alone and he brings in some other MOE employee. I realize I'm talking to him while lying on one arm and I sit up and keep chatting. THe other employee says,"you're lucky he's seeing your case as I'd never approve you." When I ask why, he tells me it's because I look like I'm falling asleep and that's incredibly rude and also I'm making direct eye contact, which he thinks is rude and I need to learn the Russian way. So, I'm apologizing like mad and I start trying to talk to them while staring at the middle of their foreheads, but I find I suddenly can't hear them as well when I"m not watching them speak and I start getting panicky. Thankfully, about this point, DS gave me a big kick to the back and woke me up. It was so real and so wild and I was actually quite glad to be woken from that dream! So, yep, guess I have some concerns I hadn't really thought about yet in my conscious mind. Can't wait until the paperwork is safely in teh regions and we're official. That will at least take one concern away! 'Course, it just gives me a million more things to worry about. Oy, does it ever end?


Deb said...

Thanks for the tip on your blog roll. I'll be checking them out for sure.
And for the help with the profile. I'm actually thinking about doing it with actual pictures instead of digitally not sure though yet. I'm just more of a traditional scrapbooker. I'll find out more this week at our seminar.
So did you consider doing a domestic adoption?

mom2themoose said...

No, we never considered it at all. We've always planned on adopting internationally, because we love children and wanted to give a couple of children a good home and a loving family. We don't have any desire at ALL for a newborn!