Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Ocboer 10

Sorry for the week delay in posting! It's been a madhouse here and DS and I have both been attacked by the creeping crud. It's like the cold that never ends - ugh!

Anyway, I had ANOTHER funny dream about our adoption the other night. In my dream, AGAIN,I was teh one who went to submit the paperwork and while I was there, they decided to give me a referral of a little boy. They told me I had to wait until trip 1 to get a girl referral since they were so scarce and I'd have to ask the baby home directly. So, I look at the picture of the little boy and they tell me he was born in early January. I told them that wasn't good because DS was born at the END of January and we didn't want to disrupt birth order. So, they tell me it's okay they'll just change his birth certificate to pretend he was born in February. I look at the picture and he looks JUST LIKE my dad as a little boy and I KNOW he's meant to be in our family, but his birthdate is all wrong and I"m in a panic over it all.

I don't remember much after that, so I think I woke up around then. It was such an odd dream! I wonder how many more weird ones like this I'll have before we actually bring them home?! Crazy!

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